What do I Need to Travel to Chile?

If you want to plan a trip to Chile, whether it is a brief one or an extended one because you want to enroll in one of the in-person programs our institutions offer, it is very important to bear in mind the requisites that have been implemented to enter our country due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Can I travel to Chile from abroad?
Most definitely! Chileans, residents and foreigners are allowed to enter the country given that they comply with the requisites stipulated by the government in the Protected Borders plan. Remember that it’s very important to take care of each other, so we need to be responsible when traveling to another country.
Requisites to Travel to Chile
- Negative PCR Test
You must present a negative PCR test, which should have been administered at least 72 hours before boarding your plane. If your flight has a layover, the time of the last boarding will be considered for this requisite.
- Travelers Affidavit
You should fill the Travelers Affidavit (Declaración Jurada para Viajeros) online, at least 48 hours before boarding your plane (This form will require you to provide your contact information and health history for your trip).
- Health Insurance
It is important that you have medical insurance with a minimum coverage of USD$30,000. Why? In case of incurring in expenses due to Covid-19, it is of great importance that you have coverage.
- Completed Vaccination Scheme
In order to enter the country, you must have your vaccination scheme complete and previously validated through the mevacuno.gob.cl site. Once you make the validation request, you will be informed of how long it will take to process, which may vary between 15 to 30 days (it is important that you consider this, since it may take a while).
- PCR Test When Entering Chile
All travelers arriving in Chile must have a mandatory PCR test administered at the airport. In case of having a complete vaccination scheme, travelers must comply with a preventive quarantine until obtaining the result of their tests (this can be done at the airport or in the address declared upon entering the country). On the other hand, those who do not have their vaccination schemes completed must comply with a 7-day mandatory quarantine, regardless of the result of their PCR.
Finally, any traveler that enters Chile must comply with the mandatory travelers tracking for 10 days.
Who Can’t Come to Chile?
According to regulations of the health authority, the entry into the country of non-resident foreigners who have been, during the last 14 days, in any of the following African countries is prohibited: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini and Mozambique.
Don’t forget that this information is being constantly updated, so you must keep yourself informed to avoid any problems when entering the country. You can find the government’s updated measures here.