Jose Luis Cruz Paco

  • Master in Applied Mathematics
  • 2017

My name is Jose Luis Cruz Paco. I am studying the Magister in applied mathematics at the Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception. I am a Bolivian national and have a degree in Mathematics from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, in the city of La Paz, Bolivia.

I came to the city of Concepción to continue my studies in the Science of Mathematics. I got to know the postgraduate course when professors of this prestigious university went to my native country to spread the investigations that they develop.

My experience as a student to date has been very satisfactory, as I met many people who from the beginning received me with a lot of kindness and cordiality. At the University, getting to know the specialist teachers, the field of research they develop and learn from them is a very relevant experience. Learning the applications of this science gives a new vision and a very special sense to mathematics.

I am very grateful and very pleased to choose to study at this university.