International students at UCSC close their Spanish semester with cultural display

“The Irish Tomb”, “Funeral Rituals of China” and “Festival of the Song Laulupidu” were some of the topics addressed in the “Ninth Exhibition on international culture and traditions”, an activity organized by the Institutional Relations Department of Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, and with which the students of the Program of Spanish as a Foreign Language closed their academic semester.
The initiative allowed young people to make known, in front of their host families, friends, colleagues and academics, their progress in mastering the language, through stories and audiovisual material, in which they alluded to their exchange experience and characteristic aspects of their countries of origin. On this occasion, China, Ireland, Australia, the United States and Estonia.
“This activity crystallizes the effort of each teacher in the different subjects. Each of them collaborates so that the work of the semester is reflected in the students “, commented Carlos Poza, Program Coordinator. Simpson College academic, Dr. Mark Bates, added that “it is amazing how my students have progressed, not only with the classes, but also with the experience with the families. Everything has exceeded my expectations.”