I Don’t Know What to Major In

Still don’t know what you want to study? Don’t know where to start? What to do? The end of the year is almost here and with this comes the important decision of choosing a program to study. The pressure increases and so does the uncertainty. If you still haven’t made up your mind, here is some advice that may help you have a better idea.
- What do I do?
First, you have to understand that you’re not the only one going through this. It’s normal that when it comes to deciding what to major in you feel pressured or anxious and a lot of uncertainty.
Medicine? Law? Veterinary Sciences? There are so many programs available that it makes the process even more confusing.
Take a break, close your eyes and breathe. Focus, think about yourself and try to forget about the pressure.
- What do I Like?
This is one of the most important questions to ask yourself.
Analyze what you like doing, what keeps you interested. Think to yourself: what would you like to be doing in 5 or 10 years? Identifying what you’re passionate about is crucial, since the program you choose to study will most likely have an impact on your future.
Can you imagine living doing something you’re not passionate about?
- Crisis
Finding your calling is discovering your passion for something, in this case, for a profession or field. The idea of having a calling is to enjoy what we’re doing to the point it completes us and makes us happy.
If it’s difficult for you and you think you’re going through a crisis, you can take an aptitude test, which, through different questions, will help you identify what you like best. This may vary, from reading a book to painting.
- A Personal Decision
Remember that this is your process to go through and no one else’s. Do research by yourself, talk to people that may guide you, students that are currently studying the programs you’re interested in so they can tell you about their experiences.
You can listen to different opinions, advice and get some orientation but in the end, the decision has to be yours.