UBO: PhD Programs

The Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins of Chile has 2 Doctoral Programs, related to Education and Science, which promote research, creation, preservation and, the transmission of universal knowledge within the field of Science and Humanities.

The graduate of the Doctoral Programs at Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins is a researcher and producer of advanced, multidisciplinary and, multi-professional perspective generates cutting-edge and creative knowledge to solve concrete problems in their field, who work in a rigorous, autonomous and, collaborative manner.

For more information about the Ph.D Programs click HERE

The graduate of the Doctoral Program in Education at Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins is a researcher and producer of advanced knowledge in the educational field who works in a rigorous, autonomous, and collaborative manner, in the research lines of social processes and education; curriculum and innovation and teaching quality; professional knowledge and pedagogical and didactic actions; adhering to the attitudes and values of the institutional educational project, in accordance with the development of a spirit of service and ethical sense in the production of knowledge.

For more information about the Ph.D in Education click HERE

The Ph.D. in Science with a mention in Functional Materials from Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins is a researcher who, from a multidisciplinary and multi-professional perspective, generates cutting-edge and creative knowledge to solve specific problems in the environmental, industrial, biomedical, and energy sectors. The graduate promotes the design of functional materials at the atomic and molecular scale, fusing experimental knowledge with computational science to provide innovative technological solutions.

The graduate will be qualified to carry out research, development, and innovation activities of design, analysis, and application of functional materials, which will have their focus of application in the social and productive fields, in the research lines of Synthesis and Characterization of functional materials, Computational methods for the design of functional materials and Application of functional materials.

He is a researcher oriented to the production of solutions, critical, collaborative, creative and communicative, ethical and oriented to the common good, with a clear sense of order and merit.

For more information about the Ph.D in Sciences click HERE