Posts del June, 2018

Students of the Universidad Católica de Argentina carry out an internship at UBO

In the context of the academic activities of the Ibero-American Network of Schools and Faculties of Law, four students from the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) made a short-stay exchange at the Bernardo O’Higgins University, with the aim of deepening their knowledge on the ‘Right of Consumption’.

During two weeks, and through face-to-face classes and visits to different institutions, the young people delved into the legal practice of consumption in Chile. In addition, they had the spaces to compare and analyze this specific issue in neighboring nations.

For the interns, the experience, which at first was overwhelming, has become friendlier and, as the days go by, the classes have been a contribution for their future.

In this regard, the Head of the Department of Private Law, Erika Isler, said that “this instance helps students from both institutions to share experiences on a specific topic that, in this case, corresponded to consumer law, allowing us to reflect with academic rigor this subject is so contingent.”

Via: UBO

Chinese Ambassador to Chile visits the UST Santiago five months after taking office

The Chinese diplomat Xu Bu participated in a meeting with the National Rector of Universidad Santo Tomás, Jaime Vatter, and other authorities of the institution. Subsequently, he spoke with a group of 13 Chinese students doing their exchange programs at the university.

Strengthening ties between Chile and the People’s Republic of China has been one of the main objectives of the Universidad Santo Tomas in terms of international relations. Over a decade, several agreements have been made, along with programs that favor student and academic exchange, and the first Confucius Institute in the country was created, responsible for teaching Mandarin Chinese, now operational in 19 locations throughout country.

In this context, the visit of the Chinese ambassador to Chile, Xu Bu, to the UST Santiago on June 14, becomes very important. In the instance the diplomat, who was joined by the First Secretary, Chanqiang Yang, met with the authorities of the UST, Jaime Vatter, National Rector; Sebastián Rodríguez, Academic Vice-Rector, and Roberto Lafontaine, Director of International Projects.

“During the meeting, we presented the history and national presence of Santo Tomás, and also our relationship with China, especially what was done with the Confucius Institute and the agreements with the universities and governmental entities of that country. The ambassador congratulated us, said he was very happy about the relationship we have, which is very important for the embassy and for China. They also offered us all their help and cooperation,” said Roberto Lafontaine.

The Chinese ambassador, Xu Bu, highlighted the relevance that the establishment of relations with Latin American higher education institutions has for his country. “It is very important for us to stay close to the cooperation between the Chilean and Chinese universities, young people are the future for relations between the countries and that is why, currently, we have several student exchanges. Santo Tomás University is doing a good job, promoting student exchange and collaboration between the two countries.”

In addition, the diplomat highlighted the cooperation that exists between the Universidad Santo Tomás and the East China Normal University (ECNU) of Shanghai, the University of Anhui and the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, with which they maintain a close exchange relationship. academic and student.


Universidad Santo Tomás signs international collaboration agreement with New Zealand institution


During May 2018, representatives of the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) of Hamilton, New Zealand, visited the Santo Tomás University in order to share successful academic experiences and sign a cooperation and exchange agreement between both institutions. The agreement was signed by the National Rector of the UST, Jaime Vatter, and the Vice-Rector of Wintec, David Christiansen.

The agreement will allow the development of different initiatives between both entities, among them, the exchange of students. Meanwhile, teacher exchange will involve language courses for academics and managers of both institutions, and will focus on different careers, beginning with the areas of Health and Sports.

According to UST’s Director of International Projects, Roberto Lafontaine, “our teachers will have the opportunity to live short stays in the foreign institution, in which they will be able to give talks about their areas of ​​knowledge and analyze research projects together with other academics.”

“During their visit, we analyzed the opportunity to develop master’s programs between both institutions, to achieve a double degree,” he added. Likewise, the authorities of Wintec expressed their interest in collaborating in innovation and entrepreneurship programs together with the School of Economics and Business of the UST, sharing their experience in the development of social innovation projects through new models.

Previous visits

In 2016, the rector of Wintec, Mark Flowers, visited Universidad Santo Tomás to meet with the National Rectors of the UST and IP-CFT, Jaime Vatter and Juan Pablo Guzmán, respectively, with the purpose of learning more about the Institution and to evaluate the possibilities of cooperation and exchange between both entities.

It should be noted that the Waikato Institute of Technology is one of the largest and most experienced universities, technical and professional training centers in New Zealand. In its six campuses it offers careers linked to the areas of agriculture, sports science, communications, education, engineering, business, information technology, tourism and gastronomy, among others.

Advantages of studying architecture in Chile

Chile is a country full of talented architects. Find out more about the advantages of studying architecture in this South American country.

Architecture is the ideal degree for those interested in designing buildings, contributing to the development of their communities, and ensuring a harmonious balance between man-made structures and nature. Aspiring architects should have artistic skills, analytical capabilities and creativity when it comes to identifying solutions to improve architectural environments in harmony with their surroundings. Architects must also develop functional ideas arising from the interpretation of a community or city’s expectations and needs.

If you are an inquisitive and curious person, studying architecture in Chile is a great choice. You will have no shortage of projects to work on, incorporating elements from other disciplines such as philosophy, economics and social work. It’s not just about designing beautiful structures, but also functional constructions in line with the lifestyle and cultural expectations of individuals, communities and cities. What is the point of designing a huge apartment complex if it is not suitable for those who live in it?

Architecture is a long and complicated degree, but it is worth persisting and successfully graduating. Keep in mind that a good construction can have a direct effect on society’s wellbeing, and as such your creations have the potential to make a major impact and remain over time.

What are the advantages of studying architecture in Chile?

Architecture in Chile

Chile is one of the countries with the highest levels of seismic activity in the world. This constitutes an additional challenge when it comes to architectural design and project development. Studying architecture in Chile provides you the additional benefit of having the necessary knowledge to find architectural solutions for cities that are subject to seismic activity.

According to the Chilean Association of Architecture Firms, Chile is a global leader in the implementation of anti-seismic technology, together with the United States, New Zealand and Japan. In the last five years alone, there have been earthquakes above 8.0 on the Richter scale, without a major impact on the country’s infrastructure due to construction regulations that have been implemented in order to protect human life in the face of seismic activity.

Famous Chilean architects

During your stay in Chile, you will have the opportunity to learn more from the most successful Chilean architects and their works. In 2016, Alejandro Aravena, from Santiago, became the first Latin American in the last 10 years to win the Pritzker Architecture Prize, the most important architecture award in the world. “Alejandro Aravena has pioneered a collaborative practice that produces powerful works of architecture and also addresses key challenges of the 21st century. His built work gives economic opportunity to the less privileged, mitigates the effects of natural disasters, reduces energy consumption, and provides welcoming public space”, said Tom Pritzker, Chairman and President of the Hyatt Foundation, which sponsors the prize.

Other globally renowned Chilean architects include Cecilia Puga, Smiljan Radic, Sebastián Irarrázaval and Mathías Klotz.

A range of options

You can study architecture at 33 universities in Chile, choosing between any of the 48 programs offered. In 2016, there were a total of 12,202 architecture students in the country, according to the university ranking published by Chilean publication Emol. The duration of architecture degree programs is between 15.5 to 20 semesters.

Annual tuition fees range between CLP 2,430,000 and 5,370,000, with an average tuition fee of CLP 3,500,000.

Don’t miss the opportunity to study architecture in Chile, and learn from the best architects in the country.

Young Spaniash Students at Unviersidad Santo Tomás: “The closeness here makes apprenticeships more meaningful”

Daniel Justo Ramos and Oscar Chavarría have too many things in common, two young Spaniards arriving to Universidad Santo Tomás (UST) through the Programa Experiencia Internacional (PEI) (International Experience Program). Both of them live in small towns in Galicia, study at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, last semester they were at the UST Santiago and this semester they arrived at UST Viña del Mar Social Work Studies School to study some subjects. Non of them liked the life at the capital and, on contraire, they say to be happy in Valparaiso, where they participate on a social project together with neighbors from the Cerro Cordillera. And lastly: they both have to go back to Spain in August, although they’ve already decided to come back to Latin-America in some point of their lives.

Daniel, Education student, and Oscar, Social Education student, have declared to be satisfied with their stay in Chile: “we knew it was going to be a great year, but it overcame all our expectations”, they say. “Last year we were in Santiago, also on Social Works Studies, and on the way the opportunity to come to Viña came up. We are from small cities, we are not used to the hustle of Santiago, it’s too big and we wanted to get to know other realities also”, they say about the change of city.

– Why did you decide to study a year in Chile?

Daniel: I don’t have a specific concept, I always had the urge to come to Latin-America and Chile seemed a good country. We had studied something about the educational system in here and I was interested in getting to know it by first hand to understand and to see if we can implement it with the system in Spain.

Oscar: I had a great desire to come to Latin-America, but not on holidays, I wanted to live here for a while. Due to my career, social education comes from social movements and, on that sense, Latin-America is an example of movement to get something. On the geographical aspect, Chile has everything: mountains, desert, sea and that was very interesting.

– You say you didn’t like to live in Santiago

Oscar: It’s not that I don’t like it, on a cultural level Santiago is the bomb! Everyday there are lectures, theater, music and I like that. But the city outgrew me, felt like it excluded me, riding one hour on the subway because everything is far away, I didn’t like that. I like to say Hi to the neighbors, open the door and chat, that it’s difficult in Santiago.

Daniel: The impersonality, the so accelerated rhythm, there was no personal treat as in Valparaíso where you can run into a neighbor and say Hi. In Santiago the subway it’s full of people, but you felt alone anyways, that thing overwhelm me from Santiago. Here in Valparaíso I feel things work different, I feel more comfortable with the rhythm here.

Oscar: You can feel that in every sense, also in University. In here there is less people, then you meet not only your classmates, but also people from other studies.

Daniel: The relationship with teachers is also different, you feel in a confident environment and you can talk with them about things you find difficult, you can ask for advice for any other thing. For example, last week a teacher gave us information for a project we are working on in Cerro Cordillera.

– How is life in the cities you live in Spain?

Daniel: It’s still like this, I come from a very small town that’s why I’m thankful to come to Valparaíso that has a great potential. In here anything you propose yourself you can make it. We are working with the neighborhood council from Cerro Cordillera and it’s impressive the support they give you, the strength they give you. It’s one of the greatest moment in my personal growth.

Oscar: I don’t know if what we are doing here can be done in Santiago. In Valparaíso everything goes smooth.

– On the academic plan, how things are going?

Daniel: Closeness turns learning into another level, more significant. If you have doubts or comments, you make them and always get a positive response.

Oscar: There are other examples. There in Santiago you get out of class and, as everyone lives far way, there is no time to share. Here everyone lives relatively close, so there is time to share outside University and, that way, you create and ambiance in the classroom, on which we include each other, you belong to the group.

– You said you wanted to know the Latin-American Social movements.

Oscar: We arrived when everything was happening. I knew a little bit about the history of Chile, the politics line it follows, but to live the social movements it’s something that marks you and lives you thinking.

Daniel: In here it’s well internalized that a social fight must have a goal. In here many things are been achieved through demonstrations, non-violent, but changing things from everyday life. In Spain we tend to conformity, in here a fight start and goes with everything.

– Oscar, you had a severe accident here in Valparaíso.

Oscar: I was close to two weeks here in Valparaíso, walking home and a car with no brakes came and hit me. I was at hospital like five days and resting at home other 15 days, in total 20 days doing nothing. I thought about going back to Spain, but also I was thinking about recovering to squeeze everything from my time left here. Dani’s support was very important, he even cooked for me when I couldn’t get up.

– Do you miss your family too much?

Daniel: Yes, that happens. I talk with my parents and they understand that I’m happy here, but always with that missing feeling. I miss them a lot too, but we don’t need to be close to love each other, we know we are good, even though we are on each side of the world. It’s hard for them, but they understand.

Oscar: No one can say that they don’t miss loved ones, but it’s important to think on the happiness of the other person. They understand it’s a process in my life, that I’m learning and I’m happy here, I think they appreciate that.

– Then, would you say that the expectation of this travel are fulfilled?

Daniel: Beyond. I imagined it was going to be a good year, but it becoming even better, too much. It is curious for me going through the streets feeling that this is my life and suddenly a flash comes and I remember I’m an exchange students and this life has a due date.

Oscar: It’s has been very good to live two realities: Santiago and Valparaiso. I like that.

– Would you like to come back?

Daniel: Yes, for sure! I don’t know about coming back to Valparaíso, but to Latin-America I’ll be back for sure.

Oscar: I want to come back, I need to go to Spain a finish university, submit my thesis. But the idea is to come back, Valparaíso attracts me, there are plenty of projects I want to follow.

– You were saying you are working with neighbors.

Daniel: It’s local community development work with the neighbors. One of the projects it’s the improvement of public spaces that are abandoned, like rubbish dumps, we are reconceptualizing the value this public spaces have for the neighbors. There’s also a re-education social work as well, we have a community orchard that we created as a gathering space for the neighbors.

Oscar: When we arrived, a group interested on this kind of work had been created. There are students, arquitects, social workers, everyone willing to contribute. Most part of the work is at Cerro Cordillera, there we are trying re-education projects, reconceptualizing and giving a new sense to abandoned spaces, those rubbish dumps. We want to change the hill, but not turning it into Cerro Alegre, we are not looking for gentrification, we want the neighbors to stay here, not the hill to become pretty, someone comes and buys everything and the neighbors end up leaving. We want to strength local links, so everything it’s theirs and they take care of it. The orchard is with the neighbors and for the neighbors.

Daniel: We are all volunteers; we want to leave something for the community. We don’t want to impose on the neighbors, we want to give them the tools for them to empower. The idea is to work from, for and by the neighbors.

Via Universidad Santo Tomás, Viña del Mar Campus